Account ID
auth_Authentication Key
callbackIndicates whether data wrapped in the function for CORS requests
Named identifier of the catalog. A catalog is a grouping of items into a broader category such as blogs, videos, etc. A catalog is a representation of a group of items and must have a unique name, that is also unique to a domain (if you have multiple sites).
Catalogs are created in the DataConnect UI by default, you can rename the catalogs when you set up your catalogs initially.
Product/Content catalog name
efqExtends the filtered query and applies a complex boolean filter to search results to include or exclude items that fit your parameter values. Any product attribute in your product feed is valid, such as brand names and sizes.
facet.precisionFacet Precision cleans up the facet noise coming from the irrelevant products further down in the recall set without impacting the actual product recall itself. It helps remove irrelevant facets.
facet.rangeReturn a count of ranged facets, such as price and sale price. Use numeric attributes only. You need to parse the values that are in the facets_counts section of the response.
Facet version, this SDK only supports version 3.0
Filtered list of attributes you want returned in your API response (i.e. productID, price). Multiple values should be comma separated All fl parameters for Product Search or Category requests must include pid as one of their value
fqThe fq parameter applies a faceted filter to the returned products, searching for products that fit your parameter values. Use fq=store_lat_lon to enable filtering by distance for BOPIS.
group_Number of items in a group when grouping parameter exists.
group_This allows you to set the pagination within groups. The default value of group_offset is 0
groupbyThe attribute that products will be grouped by. Grouping Attribute specifications:
llThe latitude-longitude of the end-customer used for the Buy Online Pick-up In Store (BOPIS) feature. Value should be provided as latitude,longitude. For example, ll=11.09,10.018.
Partial search query
query.numeric_Numeric Precision makes the recall set more precise by limiting the recall to only those products that match the numeric intent expressed in the query.
query.precisionSearch Recall Precision targets and removes the recall noise to only show relevant products for a query.
query.relaxationQuery Relaxation aims at reducing zero results by identifying the core product type in a query if an exact match isn’t found.
query.smartsortSmartSort ensures that when your shopper chooses to sort the product results, then:
query.spellcorrectSpell Correct aims at reducing zero results by autocorrecting misspelled queries.
ref_URL of the page or HTTP referrer where request started
request_ID to track site visitor clicks
The type of API request. Value should be search for Product & Category Search.
The number of matching items to return per results page in the API response. The maximum value is 200.
The type of search. Value should be "keyword" for Product Search requests, category for "Category" requests.
sortSorts results based on the field value in ascending, descending, or another combination of orders. You can sort any fl field. Value is a field name, followed by asc/desc for ascending/descending order respectively.
The number of the first item on a page of results. For example, the first item on the first page is 0, making the start value also 0. The maximum value is 10000.
stats.fieldThis parameter allows you to display the maximum and minimum values of any numeric field in your data set for a user query. With this parameter, you can get all the documents matching a query and display the minimum and maximum values of single-valued, numeric attributes such as price, sale_price, length, width, reviews, etc.
Absolute URL of the page where the request initiated
user_The universal customer ID of the user. You only need to pass this field if your particular integration tracks customers this way. The parameter captures user IDs from the customer side, and reuses the information when powering apps or enhancing cross-device linking. In this way, Bloomreach recognizes users in a way that's aligned with your system. Use an anonymous string. Don't use email or other personally identifiable information. If you do not track users this way, then omit this field.
view_A unique identifier for a specific view of your product catalog. If you have multiple versions of your site, each with their own product catalog characteristics like product titles and prices, then add view_id to your call. Bloomreach uses your view_id parameter value to display the right product information for your customers based on their individual site views. You can enter any string value to identify the specific site catalog view. This string must be consistent in your pixel, API, and product catalog.
First Party cookie that provides unique identifier