Account ID
auth_Authentication Key
Product/Content catalog name
facetFacets are disabled by default. To enable facets, set facet=true.
fieldsA comma-separated list of fields to be sent in the request.
Alternatively, you may configure the fields in the Widget Configurator in the Dashboard instead. This parameter is required if not sent via the Dashboard.
filterThe filter parameter applies a faceted filter to the returned products, searching for products that fit your parameter values. Any facet that you want to filter must be in your feed.
Attributes must be enabled and mapped by Bloomreach. Let your Bloomreach representative know which attributes in your content feed you want to apply as filters to search results.
You can filter results based on numeric ranges. For example, &filter=(price:["100" TO "*"]). Please note that a negative filter on ranges is not supported.
To provide multiple filters, send multiple filter parameters. For example, &filter=(price:["*" TO "100"])&filter=(color_groups: ("blue"))
Your site visitor's search query. Search queries are composed of one or more terms.
You can percent encode spaces between terms as %20, or you can leave the spaces unencoded.
URL of the page or HTTP referrer where request started
ID to track site visitor clicks
The number of matching items to return per results page in the API response. The maximum value is 200.
segmentSegment identifier. Ranking happens only among items with that segment. Example - view_id:ie
sortSorts results based on the field value in ascending, descending, or another combination of orders. You can sort any fl field. Value is a field name, followed by asc/desc for ascending/descending order respectively.
The number of the first item on a page of results. For example, the first item on the first page is 0, making the start value also 0. The maximum value is 10000.
Absolute URL of the page where the request initiated
A unique identifier for a specific view of your product catalog. If you have multiple versions of your site, each with their own product catalog characteristics like product titles and prices, then add view_id to your call. Bloomreach uses your view_id parameter value to display the right product information for your customers based on their individual site views. You can enter any string value to identify the specific site catalog view. This string must be consistent in your pixel, API, and product catalog.
First Party cookie that provides unique identifier